How we are keeping you safe.

+64 6 878 0035
1420 Railway Road South, RD11, Hastings, Hawke's Bay

The health and safety of our guests and employees has always been, and will continue to remain, our top priority.

At the very beginning of the New Zealand COVID-19 pandemic we quickly implemented a COVID-19 Health and Safety Plan, which we continue to monitor and update through each situation to ensure it meets the current guidelines as we move forward with our global fight against the spread of coronavirus.

We are constantly reviewing every aspect of our operations against the latest updates provided by the New Zealand Government and Ministry of Health for COVID-19. We are taking all necessary steps to follow the most up-to-date guidelines and directives from the health authorities and industry regulators.

As we live through constant changes in levels, we wanted to provide you with some information on the measures we have put in place to keep you, our guests, and our employees safe.


  • Hawthorne House is not part of the self isolation hotel program.
  • New operating procedures and policies have been put in place in consideration for health & safety, cleaning, social distancing and contact tracing requirements.
  • Our Hawthorne House team is committed to following the recommended cleaning and hygiene standards in all areas of the property.
  • Our Hawthorne House team are aware of and fully supportive of the need to take extra precautions while interacting with guests and handling guests items.
  • Additional cleaning and sanitising procedures have been adopted throughout the house and all public areas. Our housekeeping team use approved, eco-friendly, industrial strength disinfectant sprays and sanitisers.
  • Hand sanitisers are provided at the reception and in every bedroom for guest use.

All contractors and guests are asked to follow the recommendations of the Ministry of Health in relation to COVID-19, which is to stay at home if they are feeling unwell or displaying any symptoms of the virus. There is health information from the Ministry of Health, in relation to COVID-19, in all guest rooms detailing what guests should do if they do feel unwell or display any symptoms of the virus during their stay, which includes automatic self-isolation in their guest room.

If you have any questions or concerns about your forthcoming visit to Hawthorne House, please do not hesitate to contact us on 06 878 0035 or